

In case you would like to link the imported contacts immediately to a survey, you can define the Survey Id.

Type integer

The amount of days we should wait before sending out the email invitation. Leave empty to send immediately.

Type integer
Additional info

Only taken into account when using the Medallia Agile Research Email distribution channel.


The time (in UTC, hh:mm format) at which we will send the email invitations. If the time is in the past on the moment of the import, we will send the invitations immediately. Leave empty to send immediately.

Type time interval
Additional info

Only taken into account when using the Medallia Agile Research Email distribution channel.


The amount of days after which the invitation is no longer valid and will expire. Panelists won't be able to complete the survey after the import date + ExpirationAfterDays

Type integer

The time (in UTC, hh:mm format) at which the invitation will expire. After this time, the contact won't be able to respond to the survey.

Type time interval

Indicate if you would like to consider the cooldown rules

Type boolean

Amount of days an email address won't be importer after receiving an invitation for this survey

Type integer

Amount of days an email address won't be imported after completing this survey

Type integer

Amount of days an email address won't be imported after receiving an invitation for any of your surveys

Type integer

Amount of days an email address won't be imported after completing any of your surveys

Type integer

Related Methods

Create a new import configuration.